Tuesday 25 September 2007

Jewellery/ bookcrossing

on sat 13th of October there will be a market on the green in toddington, beds, uk starting at 10 am. i will be, assuming good weather, manning a stall selling handmade jewellery on which there will a small book crossing zone with some info sheets etc. i shall be 'wild releasing' books here and anyone is welcome to come and leave books and see what is there to catch.
*any book donations would be greatly welcomed from anyone with books to spare and if you can't come along. please pm me for my addy or you can find me on RABCK.com using my BC name, anwyn.*

wild releases

This blog will help me keep track of all the books i have released (some as part of the 100 wild releases challenge).
Wild release books caught will be highlighted in green.

Passed on books that are journalled will be highlighted in blue.

1. yoga live better
2. walk two moons
3. the highway code
4. the ship who sang (given to mum )then re-released
5. the warlock of firetop mountain
6. sword bearer
7. tower of geburah
8. iron sceptre
9. fantastic beasts and where to find them
10. quidditch through the ages
11. the castle of llyre
12. daggerspell
13. the warlock of firetop mountain (2nd copy)
14. tigger's little book of bounce ( mini books mini challenge)
15. little book of calm
16. thinner
17. the teenage worriers guide to life
18. the last testament (bookmooch.com)
19. the 7 habits of highly effective teens
20. the diamond throne
21. bridget jones: the edge of reason
22. dolphins (posted to another bc'er)
23. all about me journal (posted to another bc'er)
24. mr messy's guide to student life
25. the gap into conflict: the real story
26. the ruby knight (posted through readitswapit.com)
27. i love you
28. heresy (august happy day RABCK)
29. stealth journal (posted to another bc'er)
30. wreck this journal (bookring)

Book crossing

all about me journal
This is journal all about you, bookcrosser's around the world.

i'm sending this out due to a long (repeated) hospital stay and i would like to know what goes on around the world.

in the journal you can fill two pages with your thoughts, picture's, artwork, stories whatever you feel tell's me something about where you live and who you are.

i am also adding a piece of string to the journal on which i would like each person the find a bead which represents you or your country best and tell me a little about why you choose this bead on the page (and which bead is yours a small pic or drawing or good description will do)

if you have found this page and are not already part of the list please feel free to pm me on bookcrossing.com (anwyn) and i'll add your name to the list. if you want to visit the journal it is here http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/5352934%3CBR%3E